Launch of the Erasmus+ project for the development of AccelEd nursing science

In the period from 11.01 to 13.01.2021, a launch meeting was held for the launch of a new project Erasmus+, aimed at the development of nursing science in Kazakhstan «Accelerating Master and PhD Level Nursing Education Development in The Higher Education System in Kazakhstan AccelEd».

Welcoming speeches were made by the Rector of JSC «SKMA», Professor M. M. Rysbekov, rectors of medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director of the National Office of Erasmus+ in Kazakhstan Sh. U.Tasbulatova, representatives of the Republican center of development of health, Association "Paryz".

More than 100 representatives of universities of Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Finland, Netherlands, the Ministry of Health Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of nurses "Paryz", health organizations took part in the discussion.

Project coordinator Professor Jūratė Macijauskienė (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences) presented an overview of the AccelED project, project partners-university presentations: Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania), Abo Academy University (Finland), University of Applied Sciences (Finland), University Hospital in Utrecht (Netherlands), Kazakh National Medical University, Karaganda Medical University, Nazarbayev University, South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.


The project partners presented work packages:

Work Package 2.1 - Accelerating of nursing science in Kazakhstan.

Work Package 2.2-Strengthening the methodology of nursing research.

Work Package 2.3-Strengthening evidence-based nursing (EBN) through collaboration.

Work Package 2.4-Improving the quality of management and ensuring the quality of postgraduate nursing education.


In the session halls, according to the working packages, the partners discussed tasks and activities, project implementation, possible risks associated with ensuring the quality of project implementation, analysis and solutions.

The partners presented a vision for the project promotion and dissemination plan for continuous coverage of the results of the work performed. The issues of launching the project's website and creating social pages were discussed. The three days of the accelerated project launch meeting were fruitful, and the tasks of each work package were discussed in four session halls.

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14.01.2021, 09:14