On September 24, 2021, in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a solemn event " Language is the life of the nation" was held in the auditorium No. 210 of Building No. 2, organized by the Department of General education disciplines and Reading Room of the library and Information Center. This event was opened by the director of the Medical college Kushkarova A.M., who called on colleagues and students to develop and improve the level of the Kazakh language.

The main purpose of the event, which is held in honor of the 30th anniversary of independence, is to expand the scope of application of the state language, increase the level of knowledge and interest in the Kazakh language among representatives of other nationalities, and foster a sense of patriotism. Today's young generation is the future of the state, a citizen of tomorrow.

The event was attended by students of the 1st year and 2nd year of the college. Students watched short videos, read poems about the language, and sang songs.Librarian E. A. Kuanyshbekova presented a book exhibition. Participants were awarded with letters of thanks.

29.09.2021, 21:11