Круглый стол «Вакцинация: ЗА и ПРОТИВ»

On December 7, 2018, the teaching staff and interns of the GP-2 department under the guidance of post-doctoral degree in medicine and as. Professor G. Dosybaeva together with the doctors of the clinical base of the Center for Hyperbaric Oxygenation (TsGBO) named after. T.Orynbayev took part in a charity event for children of the Home for Disabled People of Tolebi district of the Turkestan region.

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More than 100 disabled children from Tolebi district were invited by the head physician of the Center of the State Healthcare Establishment of Ermakhambetova M.S. For them, a concert was organized by the children of the orphanage and first-year students of the specialty General Medicine of SKMA, circus performances and a charity lunch. At the end of the program were presented gifts from sponsors - food, toys and stationery (from SKMA). The visit was timed to the celebration of the President's Day and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Good conditions for their rehabilitation and treatment have been created in the House of Disabled People of the village of Tasaryk for disabled children and orphans.

Kind words, congratulations from the organizers of the event, the entertainment program of the participants, gifts to all the children did not leave anyone indifferent. For showing mercy and attention, responsiveness and activity, our students and interns received thanks from children and their parents.

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22.12.2018, 00:49