Kind way, graduates in white dressing gowns!

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From July 07 to July 10, 2015 in the big assembly hall of academy with participation of the vice rector for educational and methodical and educational work M. U. Anartayeva there passed the solemn tseromoniya of delivery of diplomas to graduates of pharmaceutical and medical faculties of the Southern Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy. 

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All graduates said "the OATH of the DOCTOR". In "Pharmacy" 141 experts were let out, from them 17 finished study with honors.

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In "Public health care" 242 experts were let out. Among them 7 students finished with honors, and in "Nurse business" 139 experts, from them 7 students - excellent students were let out.

This year for the first time in academy in "Medico-preventive business" 9 graduates were let out, and they were torzhetsvenno handed diplomas. During a ceremony the vice rector for educational and methodical and educational work M. U. Anartayeva who handed honors degrees addressed to graduates with the congratulatory speech.

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On behalf of student's trade-union committee "Blagodrastvenny letter" and valuable presents students activists were marked out.

Festive event I came to the end with the concert program organized by department of educational work.

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It is executed: Department of educational work

14.07.2015, 04:17