Kick-off meeting


1688 1

"Professionalization of bachelor's and master's degrees in strategic management and risk management in healthcare in the framework of open and distance learning in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan"


Erasmus+ LMQS no. 618860-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP


On April 7-8, 2021, a skype online meeting of the GPI International Steering Group No. 1 on the Erasmus + LMQS project "Professionalization of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Strategic Management and Health Risk Management within the framework of open and distance learning in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan" was held.

The official opening of the meeting began with a speech by Mr. Panayotis KALDIS, Rector of the University of Western Attica (Greece), grant holder of the project. The representatives of NEO "Erasmus+" Greece, Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan.

EU reference universities made proposals for the training of personnel and pedagogical resources in the field of strategic quality management and risk management in health care, presented the distance learning platforms used and their accessibility, and demonstrated the functional and technical presentation of the platform from the perspective of a student and a teacher.

On the second day of the meeting, the tools and methodologies used by European universities to create and update training courses in accordance with the requests of enterprises and in accordance with the Bologna process were presented. A detailed chronogram of the main activities and goals of work packages No. 1 and No. 2 was presented.

The presentation of the monitoring plan and project quality, instructions for disseminating information on the project, presentation of project management rules were met with great interest.

At the end of the seminar, a questionnaire was proposed to assess the quality of the seminar (based on partner questionnaire # 2 - Initiative group of local development d'Iasi - PARTENER and questionnaire of the Erasmus National Office in Russia).

The seminar participants discussed the prospects and recommendations for the further implementation of the project.

20.04.2021, 13:55