Kazakhstan without violence

On November 28, 2017 teaching staff of the Department of Medical Biophysics and Information Technology organized a meeting of SKSPhA students with representatives of law enforcement agencies in the assembly hall of the hostel. The theme of the meeting was "Kazakhstan without violence" which was organized within the action “16 days without violence”.


The following guests were invited to the meeting:

- Representative of the City Department of Internal Affairs (Shymkent) Inspector for the Protection of Women from Violence M. Chekerova;

- Representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of Al-Farabi district, chief expert on violence against women, police major G.O. Mominova;

- Representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of Abay district, chief expert on violence against women, police captain G.T. Bektemisova;

- Representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Enbekshinsky District, Chief Expert on Violence against Women, Major of Police, A.T. Torekhanova;

- Representative of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Karatau region, Chief expert on violence against women, Capt. K.A. Semzhanova;

- Coordinator of the Center for Healthy Lifestyle of the South Kazakhstan region A.M. Moldabayev;

-Head of the of youth policy department of the SKSPHA, G. Orazimbetov;

- Representatives of the city council and youth resource center;

- Teachers of the department and students.

During the meeting, experts spoke about the problem of domestic violence against women and the relevance of this issue currently. The causes of violence were identified, examples were given from everyday practice, statistical data were provided, and ways of solving this problem were described. The students asked questions and received exhaustive answers. Students and teachers were given information leaflets, and then the film "Boyzhetken", prepared by the youth resource center, was demonstrated.

Such meetings with law enforcement agencies are annual in nature and are held for 5 years already.


Teachers hope that the information received during the meeting was useful and promoted the awakening of self-esteem in students, solidarity with law enforcement bodies and will help in the future to prevent violence committed against women.


04.12.2017, 06:35