"Kazakhstan of My Dreams" Essay Competition

On 25 October, in honour of "Republic Day". The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan held an essay competition entitled "Kazakhstan of My Dreams". The competition was held from 1 to 19 October 2022 in two stages: the first inter-university, the second national.
The aim of the competition: to develop young people's civic consciousness and a sense of responsibility for their country's future.
In this regard, the Social Affairs and Youth Policy Department and the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages announced an essay competition "Kazakhstan of my dream" among university students, in which 5 students from each deanery participated. According to the results of competition there were sent to Republican competition Oserbay Adil Bolatovich, the 2nd year student of group ЖМҚБ-04-21 of medical faculty and Leskanov Alisher, the 1st year student of group СТДҚ-11.02.2022 of medical college at South Kazakhstan Medical Academy.


We warmly congratulate the students who won a trip to the national competition!

18.10.2022, 15:36