Just Kazakhstan and “Adal Azamat”

Head of State Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev in his Address
to the people of Kazakhstan “A FAIR STATE. ONE NATION. WELFARE SOCIETY noted that the development of the country has entered a new stage, and the Constitutional reform has become a fundamental step in the creation of a New Just Kazakhstan.
The Great Abai said: “Earning your bread honestly, instead of eking out alms or vegetating in idleness, is the lot of a conscientious person. A conscientious person does not commit injustice. A just society will be built if honesty takes center stage in all areas. Corruption is not allowed, decisions are made in the interests of the country. Thus, all good in society begins with justice. Therefore, the concepts of “Fair Kazakhstan” and “Honest Citizen” should always stand side by side as parallel values that form the basis of the country. To create a fair Kazakhstan, every compatriot must strive to become an honest person. At the same time, we must educate the younger generation to be honest citizens. Based on this, teachers of the Department of “History of Kazakhstan and Social Disciplines” gave lectures to students on the topic “A Just Society – an Honest Citizen” in their classes.
The purpose of the lectures is to widely promote the message of the Head of State K. Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan “Economic guidelines for a Just Kazakhstan”, to explain to society that to create a fair Kazakhstan, every person must be a responsible citizen, and also the importance of national identity and the Unity of the people, which has always been our most important value,. Honest citizens, who during the years of Independence became professionals in their field and contributed to the development of the country, should be widely promoted in society and be an example for young people.
Along with the economic development of the country, the President pointed to improving the quality in the field of education. He assigned new responsibilities and specific tasks to honest citizens of a fair Kazakhstan. As an educational institution that trains future specialists, we must contribute in every possible way to the implementation of the tasks set by the Head of State.

05.03.2024, 10:28