"Job Fair for Medical College Graduates 2020 - 2021"

On June 3rd, 2021, in the medical college at SKMA JSC, in the assembly hall, together with the University Medical Center Corporate Fund, a Job Fair for graduates 2020 - 2021 was held for college graduates.

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The goal of Job Fair is to assist college graduates in job placement, assistance in finding interesting jobs for young professionals, and the selection of new personnel by employers. Director of Nursing of the National Scientific Cardiac Surgery Center A.E. Tasbulatov, director of Nursing of the Corporate Fund "University Medical Center" G.E. Nadirbekova, director of the Medical College A.M. Kushkarova, Head of the Department of "Nursing" B D. Serikov, as well as college graduates.

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Director of nursing of the Corporate Fund "University Medical Center" G.E. Nadirbekova spoke about the development of the nursing service of the СF "UMC", about the transfer of part of the medical functional duties to nursing specialists, UMC sisters - “Involvement of UMC nurses in research activities”, about continuous professional training of nursing in the workplace.

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We would like to thank all the participants of the Job Fair for interesting presentations, suggestions, initiatives and look forward to further cooperation.

04.06.2021, 03:24