«Job Fair»

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On   April 13, 2016 in  South- Kazakhstan state  pharmaceutical academy together with the health departments of the southern region it was held «Job fair» for medical interns and graduates. Administration of academy, director of the association of medical and pharmaceutical organizations H.D. Alzhanova, head of control of labor relations A.R. Koishieva, head of health management of Zhambyl region A.R.  Kasmakasov, deputy chief physician of the center for treatment and  the fight against AIDS in Kostanai region B.S. Demisenova, head of coordination of employment and social program A.S. Nurbekova, 60 representatives of city and district medical and pharmaceutical organizations and institution (head doctor- 10, directors-11, superior and HR -39) participated in this event.

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As a  result of activity,  the total number of graduates 740, among them:

·  “Medical interns”                                                           87

·  “Public health”                                                               297

·  “Pharmacy”                                                                    182

·  “Nursing”                                                                        90

·  “Medical and preventive care”                                       56

·  “Pharmaceutical production technology”                       28  

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After the official part of the event academy graduates have entered contracts with the district hospitals and health centers of employment for vacant places and positions.

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The results of the preliminary assignment by industry internship and a bachelor degree it was employed for regions

South -Kazakhstan region                    rural area-13 people                city-8 people

Kyzylorda region                                 rural area -0 people                 city-0 people

Zhambul region                                    rural area -12 people               city-0 people

Karaganda region                                 rural area -1 people                 city-0 people

Kostanai region                                    rural area -0 people                 city-6 people

North-Kazakhstan region                     rural area -0 people                city-7 people

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On the major «Pharmacy» it was employed 182/100%, among 740 students previously it was employed  236 people.

18.04.2016, 04:40