Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a very important problem in Pediatrics and is not only medical, but also social in nature. This is due to the spread of anemia among children, as well as the importance of negative consequences for their health. In our country, more than 60% of preschool children and a third of schoolchildren suffer from IDA. Unfortunately, this issue tends to grow.

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In this regard, the teaching staff of the Department of Pediatrics-2 SCMA under the leadership of the head. Department Bektenova G. O. and assistant Agabekova G. O. held a round table on the topic: "anemia of iron deficiency in children" among parents in the Department of Hematology regional children's hospital. There were: Deputy head of EMC SCMA Khalikova R. O., doctors of Oncohematology and Interns 715 cases. Brochures were distributed to parents on this topic

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26.11.2019, 02:55