Invitation of foreign specialists in Kazakhstan universities

According to the plan concerning visit of foreign scientists to the 2015-2016 academic year at the Department of «Organization and management of pharmacy» from 15.02.2016 to 24.02.2016, Ph.D., professor of «Management and Economics of Pharmacy» Department of Bashkir State Medical University Guzel Yarullovna Ibragimova has conducted training for students and teachers.

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Professor of BSMU made lectures to 4-year students on "Management and Economics of  Pharmacy."

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On medical and pharmaceutical commodity it was conducted practical training with a 2-year graduate students in proper pharmacy practice.

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With teachers of specialized disciplines of departments of: «OMPh», «Drugs technology», «Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry», «Pharmacognosy and chemistry» G.Y. Ibragimova conducted a workshop on the theme: "International standards of  proper practice in pharmacy."

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The atmosphere prevailing in the work of Professor G.Y. Ibragimova, contributed to the effective assimilation of the material by students, active exchange of educational and scientific information, fruitful cooperation of faculty. The training fully meets the needs of our academy and objectives of the educational process.

27.02.2016, 04:23