Introduction and adaptation of the higher education system to the digital generation

In order to develop international cooperation in the field of higher education, JSC «South Kazakhstan medical Academy» (hereinafter-SKMA) and the Belgian Educational Council signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation. The signing of the memorandum makes it possible to organize professional video conferences aimed at the development and training of highly qualified educational and scientific personnel and specialists. It also opens up opportunities for joint research, conferences, webinars, master classes, and other events.

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Director of the Belgian Education Council, international expert on educational technologies, coach Aksana Pozdnyakova conducted a series of master classes for the administration and teachers of universities in Kazakhstan on the topic "Strategies for implementing the concept of adapting the system of higher and postgraduate education to the digital generation".

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In addition, the professor-teaching staff of JSC «SKMA» takes part in the master class «Cyberpedagogy-the science or art of teaching in an online environment», organized by the Belgian Educational Council in the period from February 18 to April 1, in order to develop new skills and techniques necessary for effective teaching in a distance format. The purpose of the master class is to learn how to teach efficiently in an online environment and get enjoyment and energy from this learning format. Master class programs are aimed at supporting teachers in the modernization of their activities. They provide an opportunity to master and implement innovative teaching methods, rebuild professional thinking for successful adaptation to a rapidly changing educational environment, and enhance the potential of teachers.

The Department of Distance education technologies will the academy's teachers in their work to adapt to the digital generation, through the development and effective use of innovative educational technologies.

Thanks to the memorandum of understanding and cooperation, teachers will be able to expand their knowledge to a higher level and introduce a set of new innovative tools into practice.

01.03.2021, 07:51