«Interuniversity scientific and practical conference on the correct use of antibiotics»

25.10.2018 on the basis of the Department of infectious diseases and dermatovenerology together with the Department of General medical practice-2 was organized and held interuniversity scientific and practical conference on the proper use of antibiotics. The conference was attended by master degrees, residents and interns from the South Kazakhstan medical academy, Astana medical university, Semey state medical university and The international Kazakh-Turkish university H. A. Yasavi.

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Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today. It is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world, negatively affecting our ability to treat infectious diseases and nullifying many advances in health and medicine.

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With informative scientific presentations were made by: Yelemes M. «Антибиотиктер тарихы кеше, бүгін, ертең», Absadyk А. «Антибиотикоассоциированные диареи у детей», Аждарбекова А., Khuanyshbekkyzy B. «Проблемы антибиотикорезистентности при лечении респираторных инфекций», Irisbaeva N. «Этиологическая структура инвазивных диарей и антибиотикочувствительность по данным ШГИБ».

Presentations were made in English:: Altayeva A.M.«Antibiotic resistance, Nosocomial infections», Basharova M. «ID WEEK 04-08-10-2017 San Diego. USA».

A quiz was played, the winners of which were: Basharova M., Yelemes М., and Аbsadyk А.

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The world health organization is conducting a global campaign "Antibiotics: use with caution!", which calls on the public, government, health and agriculture workers to take action to address this urgent problem. Working together, we can ensure that antibiotics are used only when needed and as directed by a doctor. The conference participants showed great interest in this event.

04.11.2018, 21:50