Internship at Sechenov University

Once again, the students of the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Academy have completed their internship at the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry named after A.P. Arzamastsev, Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin, Sechenov University, during the current academic year. The selection of candidates for the program, which is conducted in collaboration with one of the top universities for many years, revealed the best students, including Rahmanova Dilnoza, Yan Katerina, Shaltayeva Diana, Abdumanap Askhad, and Daghistanoglu Atatürk, who are fourth-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The internship was carried out according to the joint Work-Based Educational Program developed by the corresponding departments of Sechenov University and the Academy. The internship program included studying the regulatory documentation that governs the quality control of medicinal products in the Russian Federation, including the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XIV, the Pharmacopoeia of the Eurasian Economic Union (Pharmacopoeia of the Union), orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Eurasian Economic Union in the field of drug circulation, and others.

The students familiarized themselves with the research activities of the Scientific and Research Center at the Institute of Pharmacy "Pharma-Premium," as well as with the basic and specialized departments such as chemistry, natural sciences, pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmaceutical technology, and others. As part of the practical component of the internship, students performed tasks such as functional analysis of various classes of organic medicinal substances based on functional groups. They conducted quantitative determination of medicinal preparations using titrimetric and physicochemical methods (polarimetry, refractometry, and spectrophotometry), and carried out a comparative statistical analysis of the methods.
At the laboratory of pharmacokinetics in the Center for Personalized Medicine of the City Clinical Hospital named after I.V. Davydovsky, under the Moscow Department of Health, the interns participated in a workshop and performed quantitative determination of medicinal preparations in volunteers' biological fluids using HPLC-MS/MS method.
At the testing laboratory of the Center for Pharmaceutical Analysis, the students familiarized themselves with the structure, practical work, and research activities of the center. They conducted a laboratory practice on working with analytical balances and Class A glassware, preparation of working standard samples, buffer solutions, and subsequent determination of pH values using potentiometric method. They also worked with HPLC-MS/MS, including calibration curve construction using a standard sample and internal standard.
During the master class on "Quality Assurance in GxP," the students listened to materials and requirements of the regulatory documents of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) in the field of good pharmaceutical practices that ensure the quality, efficacy, and safety of medicinal products. They also participated in a practical session for developing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the "HPLC Screening Method of Toxicants."

The theoretical component of the program included master classes, training sessions, and lectures conducted by leading scientists and professors from Sechenov University, as well as practical professionals in the field of drug regulation. The topics covered included "Standardization and Quality Control of Biopharmaceuticals," "Immunoassay and Photometric (Plate) Analysis of Biopharmaceuticals: Features and Equipment," "Current Issues in Pharmaceutical Development in the Field of Immunopharmacology," "Functional Analysis of Medicinal Substances," "Registration System of Dietary Supplements in the Russian Federation: Existing Problems and Solutions," "Characteristics of Acute Poisonings at the Present Stage," "HPLC-MS/MS in Drug Analysis," and "Quality Control in GxP."

The results of the internship were evaluated based on the resolution of situational tasks, assessment of practical skills, and computer-based testing of the students. They demonstrated good theoretical knowledge and practical skills in quality control of medicinal products using chemical and physicochemical methods, analytical thinking ability, the capacity to draw appropriate conclusions based on their work, as well as effective communication and teamwork skills.
The students participated in the All-Russian Olympiad in Organic Chemistry with international participation dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Academician A.P. Arzamastsev. As a result, Rahmanova Dilnoza and Yan Katerina were recognized as prize winners.

The cultural program was equally interesting. On the first day, the students paid tribute to the memory of the great Kazakh poet, thinker, and philosopher, Abay Kunanbayev, by visiting his monument. They also had memorable experiences visiting the Museum of Cosmonautics and watching the world's first feature film, "Challenge," shot by Russian filmmakers on the orbital station in space. Additionally, they attended the ballet performance of "Sleeping Beauty" at the Kremlin Palace. The traditional route of the cultural program included visits to the Tretyakov Gallery, EANE, Red Square, the Eternal Flame Memorial in Alexander Garden dedicated to fallen soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, Chisty and Novodevichy Ponds, and more.

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry and the students express their sincere gratitude to the leadership of the Academy for providing them with the opportunity to undergo an internship at one of the prestigious universities, and to the host institution for creating favorable conditions for the internship and their warm reception.

27.06.2023, 11:01