International Scientific - Practical Conference "Modern technologies of diagnosis, treatment, prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases"

On April 8-9, 2019 in the city Bukhara was held the international scientific and practical conference "Modern technologies of diagnosis, treatment, prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases", which was attended by the head of Infectious Diseases Department PhD, professor Abuova G. N., PhD, associate professor Berdaliyeva F.A., resident- infectionists of 1-st year of study Sadykhova D., Musayeva B., Saut G. Abuova G. N. was appointed moderator of the section "Arbovirus infections", where she made a report: "Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever in southern Kazakhstan". Residents of the 1st year will attend lectures, practical classes within the framework of academic mobility at the Bukhara medical Institute.

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12.04.2019, 00:26