International Scientific Conference “Modern problems of public health”

On 14.10.2022, an international scientific conference on the topic “Modern problems of public health” was held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy based on the department "Social Health Insurance and Public Health".
Venue: YUKMA, 4 academic buildings, 2nd floor, small conference hall.

The purpose of the conference was to provide young researchers and scientists with a platform for discussing scientific and practical issues of public health protection, ensuring the quality of medical care, the current state and prospects for the development of healthcare, optimizing the use of medical personnel, and the development of information technologies in medicine.

The objective of the conference was to exchange experience in setting and solving topical problems of medicine and healthcare, training in presenting research results; developing discussion skills; expanding contacts of young researchers.
The conference was organized in offline and online format, in the form of breakout sessions in order to give each participant the opportunity to personally make a presentation and answer questions:
Section "The Future of public Health". Moderators – Sarsenbaeva Gulzat, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of "Social Health Insurance and Public Health", SKMA
Ermukhanova Lyudmila, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare of the M. Ospanov ZKMU.
Rustamova Hamida, MD, Professor of the Department of "Public Health, Health Management and Physical Culture" TASHGSI.

Students, undergraduates, doctoral students, researchers and young scientists were invited to the conference.

In total, more than 40 articles were sent to the conference. According to the results of the expert selection, 12 reports were included in the conference program, 9 of them personally spoke, including Professor A.A. Musina from Astana Medical University, as well as representatives from Uzbekistan, Astana, Karaganda, Shymkent.
The speakers showed good activity at the conference. After answering specific questions, the conference participants received recommendations about their work. The conference was very high-quality, interesting and informative.

All those present received personal certificates confirming their personal participation in the conference.

17.10.2022, 16:09