On October 19-20, 2023, a scientific conference “Modern approaches to the standardization of medicinal plant raw materials” held at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. The conference is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scientist of Uzbekistan, Professor Hamid Khalmatov.

The conference held on the ZOOM platform, which was attended by representatives from different countries such as: Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, as well as doctoral and master's students of SKMA
Rector of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Professor Rizayev K.S. in his welcoming speech noted the relevance of introducing innovations in medical education and thanked the speakers.

3rd year doctoral student Karzhaubayeva A.D. made a report on the topic “Morphological and anatomical study of medicinal plant raw materials Saussurea Sordida Kat&Kir and Saussurea Alpine DC” and 2nd year master’s student Abilova A.A. made a report on topic “Morphological and anatomical characteristics of fenugreek seeds cultivated in the conditions of the Turkestan region on the Kaskasu site”, During the report among the conference participants, the speakers of our academy were asked questions of interest to them. The organizers of the conference expressed interest, wishing success in the research work of our young scientists.

And also, on October 25, 2023, the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current State of the Pharmaceutical Industry: Problems and Prospects” was held at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. The main goal of the conference is to discuss with speakers the trends and prospects for creating innovative competitive medicines, the main problems, solutions and achievements of pharmaceutical science and technology, and exchange opinions.

During the conference, attention was paid to strengthening interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between young researchers, the most relevant areas of modern research were discussed, and ways for their further development were outlined. This conference was also held online and offline on the ZOOM platform with the participation of different countries.

At the conference, master's students of the second year of study of the Department of Pharmacognosy of SKMA presented their works. A report on the topic: “Pharmacognostic study of the herb Dendrostellera spica” was made by master’s student of the second year of study Kalzhan A.B., and with a report: “Commodity research of fenugreek seeds cultivated in the conditions of the Turkestan region on the Kaskasu site” by master’s student of the second year of study Abilova A.A., and also second-year master’s student Mauzhan Sh.K. made a report “Study of biologically active substances in milk thistle flowers”.

On October 26-27, 2023, the IV international scientific and practical conference “Topical issues of pharmacology: from drug development to their rational use” was held at the Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali Ibn Sino (Bukhara, Uzbekistan). The conference was held in a hybrid (in-person/external) format. The main purpose of the conference was the exchange of scientific, best practices, opinions on current issues of pharmacology and pharmacognosy, the relationship between scientific achievements and innovative processes in the field of research.
During the conference, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Inoyatov A.Sh. took a speech. Then the rector of the Abu Ali Ibn Sino Bukhara State Medical Institute, MD, Professor Teshayev Sh.Zh. took a speech.
The main topics were discussed at the conference: pharmacological effects of various medicinal herbal infusions, pharmacognostic studies of medicinal plant raw materials, preclinical studies of herbal infusions.

Doctoral student of the third year of study Karzhaubayeva A.D. made a report on the topic: “Determination of commodity indicators of Saussurea alpina DC plants.” The conference moderator noted the relevance of the report, noting that it is very important for young scientists to report research results at international conferences. She also wished her further success in her research work.

All conferences were held at a high level, current issues on the reform of pharmaceutical education, problems of industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical service management and priority areas of drug policy, quality control, standardization and certification of drugs, development of new drugs, etc. were discussed. Leading scientists from near and far abroad were able to discuss problematic issues and create new collaborations to achieve strategic plans in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

01.11.2023, 16:17