International Scientific and Practical conference «COVID-19 and other topical infections of Central Asia»

On 23-24th June 2022 in accordance with the plan of scientific and practical activities of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference «COVID-19 and other topical infections of Central Asia» was held at the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy. The conference was co-organized by the Republican Public Association for Infectious Diseases, the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Bashkir State Medical University, Tashkent Medical Academy.

The conference was attended by leading scientists from Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan, Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, USA, Iran, South Africa. More than 100 reports were made both in person and online format, devoted to the most pressing problems of infectology, epidemiology, parasitology. A separate section was organized on the issues of Congo-Crimean hemorrhagic fever and other natural focal infections, with the participation of the world's leading scientists in the field of CCHF study: Natalia Pshenichnaya (Russia), Maryam Keshtkar (USA), Hakan Leblebisioglu (Turkey), Masoud Mardani (Iran), Lucille Blumberg (South Africa), Ozlem Azap (Turkey).
The Medical School of Nazarbayev University, the Departments of Infectious Diseases of medical universities of Kazakhstan: KazNMU named after S. D. Asfendiyarov, MUA, KMU, SMU, WKMU named after Marat Ospanov took an active part in the conference. A section of young scientists and a poster section were held with great enthusiasm, where the winners of the nominations of Diplomas of I, II, III degrees were determined. The departments of USMU took an active part in the organization and work of the conference: infectious diseases and dermatovenerology, neurology and psychiatry, phthisiology, obstetrics and gynecology, therapy, GP. Based on the materials of the conference, the next issue of the journal «Bulletin of the SKMA» was published.

28.06.2022, 17:37