International Olympiad in the discipline "Management and Economics of Pharmacy", dedicated to the Day of Memory of Professor ErkinbekSaginalievichMatyev

On March 15, 2022, at the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business on the ZOOM platform, an international online Olympiad on the discipline "Management and Economics of Pharmacy" was held, dedicated to the Memorial Day of Professor Erkinbek Saginalievich Matyev of the I.K.Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy for students of the 4.5 course of the specialty "Pharmacy".
At the Olympiad, organized at the international level, Rector of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayev, d.m.s, Professor Kudaibergenova I.O., Head of the Department of FBE, PhD, Professor Cholponbayev K. S., teaching staff, acting moderator, PhD, Associate Professor Dootalieva S. Ch. and Rector of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, d.m.s, Professor M. M. Rysbekov, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Acting Associate Professor, PhD Umurzakhova G. Zh., Head of the Department of OFD, Professor Shertaeva K. D., ass. professor Blinova O. V., PhD, Acting Associate Professor Utegenova G. I. they were part of the commission.

Teams participating in the Olympiad:
1) "Modern Managers" ZHAMU named after B. Osmonov
2) "Alchemist" West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marata Ospanova
3) "GPP-good pharmaceutical people" Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy
4) "5th element" of S. D. AsfendiyarovKazNMU
5) "Tashfarmi" Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
6) "Pharm Helpers" South Kazakhstan Medical Academy
7) "STERN" Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
named after I. K. Akhunbayev
The team of "Pharm Helpers" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy consisted of students Umarova D; Zhanbosynova A; Atyrau A; Abilkhair A; Turekhanova K; Usenova B; BibolatZh;

The Olympiad was held in 3 rounds:
Greeting teams
1) Test tasks on the Google platform
2) Situational tasks
3) Video on the topic "The role of the pharmacist in the prevention of non-communicable diseases"

At the Department of "Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business" of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, the team of "Pharm Helpers" who took part in the Olympiad took 2nd place out of 7 teams.

On behalf of our department, congratulations to the students!

01.04.2022, 17:33