International Olympiad in Pharmacy at the Bashkir State Medical University: we will not stop there

In the framework of international partnership with universities of neighboring countries, on May 20, 2022 Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology with students of the "Pharmacy" specialty took part in the 1st International Pharmacy Olympiad at the Bashkir State Medical University.
The team of the department won first place in pharmacology among the teams of BSMU, KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiyarov, NpJSC MUA, NpJSC MUK and the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev.

The following students of the 3rd and 5th year participated in the SKMA team:
Torekhanova Kamila - team leader, 5th year student
Rustembekova Aidana – 5th year
Matkarim Asem – 3rd year
Amageldi Aigerim - 3rd year
Asankhan Aruzhan – 3rd year
Ibrahimuly Gani - 3rd year
Oser Araylym – 3rd year
The supervisors of the group of students were Toxsanbayeva Zh.S. - head of the department, ass. professor, Ibragimova A.G. – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor of the Department, Syrmanova N.R. - Senior Lecturer, Seidalieva S.K. - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Clinical Pharmacology.

21.06.2022, 16:39