International methodological conference "Production practice - is the basis of professional skills"

On October 13, 2022, an international methodological conference “Production practice - is the basis of professional skills” held in online and offline formats by the Department of Pharmacognosy and Drug Technology.
Students of 2nd, 4th, 5th courses of the educational program "Pharmacy" attended on conference. They presented reports on the work done during the training practice in "Botany" and production practice in "Pharmacognosy" at the bases of Yntymak, Kaskasu, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Pyatigorsk, Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent and Abu Ali Ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe.

According to the conference program, the goals, objectives, the process of practical work performed and the results of production practice discussed together students, teaching staff of the academy and practice leaders from industrial institutions participating in the conference remotely using the Zoom platform.

The results of the training practice in the discipline "Botany" and production practice in "Pharmacognosy" on the basis of Kaskasu "Educational and professional base for the cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants" and Yntymak presented by a 2nd year student A. Baimyrzayeva. During the practice, students studied the methods of cultivation, collection of medicinal plants according to GACP. They also got acquainted with the features of the specific rules for the collection, drying, primary processing of various medicinal plants.

4th year students D. Isabayeva and S. Namazbay demonstrated the results of production practice in Pharmacognosy at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute. During the practice, theoretical knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants consolidated, and practical skills improved in the preparation, storage and processing of medicinal plant materials.

4th year student of the educational program "Pharmacy" A. Kaukanova presented the results of the production practice in Pharmacognosy on the basis of the Abu Ali Ibn Sino Tajik State Medical University.

The results of the production practice at the Bashkir State Medical University presented by the 5th year student S. Beskenova. During this practice the students got acquainted with the technology of growing plants in a lemon garden; advanced scientific developments of the botanical garden; got acquainted with the collection area and advanced scientific developments of the botanical garden.
A presentation on the organization and conduct of an practice on the basis of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute presented by B. Tursynbay, A. Atyrkhan. During the practice, they got acquainted with the growing conditions and ecology of medicinal plants of the flora of the North Caucasus, the possibilities of culture of many important species of medicinal plants with limited stocks and narrow areas of growth.

During the conference, discussed problematic issues of practice, as well as the positive aspects of the academic mobility of students and teaching staff during field practice expressed.
Based on the results of the conference, it can be seen that the training and production practice in 2021-2022 was very fruitful.

The staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy expresses sincere gratitude to all the bases of industrial practice for providing conditions for the passage of industrial practice and productive joint activities in the framework of the training of competent specialists in the field of pharmacy.

19.10.2022, 16:43