International methodological conference "Integration of Theory and Practice in Pharmacy"

On October 31, the faculty of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Affairs held an international methodological conference "Integration of Theory and Practice in Pharmacy," dedicated to the results of passing production practice by students of 3-4 courses.

The conference was inaugurated by Maria Ulasbekovna, Vice-Rector for Educational, Methodological and Educational Work Anartaeva.
Foreign partners made a welcoming speech: Ibragimova Guzal Yarulovna, Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy with a course in medical and pharmaceutical commodity science at Bashkir State Medical University, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor;
Dootalieva Sayragul Chinibekovna Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy,
Galina Khutkina Head of the Department of Management and Economics of Pharmacy, Faculty of Advanced Studies, Vitebsk State Medical University, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor.
During the conference, participants demonstrated their knowledge and skills acquired from practice bases.
Employees of practical pharmacy, heads and specialists of the pharmaceutical organization L.R. Kashkinbaeva, head of the medical and pharmaceutical control committee,
T.R. Audekova - Deputy Director for Personnel Training, Zerde-Pharma LLP,
Alzhanova H.D. - Director of the Association of Support for Pharmaceutical Organizations "Damu"
Participation in the production and methodological conference allows students and specialists to discuss their ideas and receive feedback through a survey of students. This contributes to the process of integrating theory and practice in pharmaceutical education.

03.11.2023, 12:07