On December 7, 2023, an international methodological conference on the results of industrial practice in pharmacognosy "Industrial practice is the basis of professional skills" was held. The international methodological conference was held in a hybrid format, i.e. There were both in-person and online reports.
Welcoming remarks were made by: Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ph.D., Acting Professor Orynbasarova Kulpan Kenzhebaevna SKMA (Shymkent); Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations, Ph.D., Professor Konovalov Dmitry Alekseevich PMFI (Pyatigorsk); Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines, к.pharm.аssociate professor Muratalieva Anarbu Japarovna KSMU (Bishkek).
Among the guests of the conference were: Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Phytotherapy and the course of Pharmacognosy of Botany with academic mobility within the framework of the program "Invitation of a foreign scientist", Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor Pupykina Kira Alexandrovna BSMU (Ufa); Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ph.D. Farmanova Nodira Tahirovna TashPharmI (Tashkent); in Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Omirali M.A.; PhD. Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Senior Researcher Kemelbekov, U.S., practice specialist Yerzhanova Janel Nyshanalievna, as well as guests of the conference, 3rd-4th year students and teachers. The moderator of the conference is senior lecturer Ibragimova Zaure Ergaraevna.

4th year students Yesenali S. G. and Maksut M.M. made a presentation on the topic "Academic mobility and industrial practice of 3rd year students at the PMPI (Pyatigorsk)". The students shared their impressions about completing an internship in pharmacognosy in the Stavropol Territory and expressed gratitude to the academy's management for the opportunity to complete an internship at the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute.
The purpose of the practical training is to become familiar with the growing conditions and ecology of medicinal plants of the flora of the North Caucasus, the possibilities of experimental cultivation of plants in a botanical garden, and study the experience of introducing into culture many of the most important species of medicinal plants with limited supplies and narrow growing areas.

А report on the topic "Academic mobility and industrial practice of 3rd year students at the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMU (Bishkek)" was made by 4th year students Kobey B.E., Serikbayeva M.D. Students told about their experience and practical skills, and also expressed gratitude to the rector of the SKMA, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor M.M. Rysbekov., Dean's Office of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Ph.D. acting Professor Orynbasarova K.K., Rector of KSMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kudaibergenova I.O., teachers of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines of KSMU.
The purpose of industrial practice: consolidation and deepening of theoretical knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants, formation of knowledge, improvement of practical skills in the procurement, storage, processing of medicinal plant materials and protection of their resources.

The field practice in botany and pharmacognosy at the Kaskasu and Yntymak bases (Shymkent) was highlighted by 4th year students Galymkyzy D. and Nezvanova E. Kaskasu base also became a place of practice not only for students of the SKMA, but also for students from the NAO "Astana Medical University" and the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K.Akhunbayev. In addition, on June 6, representatives of Korea visited the educational and professional base for the cultivation, collection and processing of medicinal plants located in Kaskasu with the aim of further cooperation.
The purpose of the industrial practice was to master and consolidate theoretical knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants, improve practical skills in the procurement, storage and processing of medicinal plant materials with justification for the use of products from medicinal plants and the protection of their resources.
At the end of the practical training, students mastered the following practical skills:
- Determination of LR and MR based on morphological characteristics
- Determination of possible drug impurities.
- Herbarium of plants of different life forms (trees, shrubs, herbaceous plants).
- Collection, primary processing, drying and labeling of medicinal plant materials of various morphological groups.
- Conducting pharmacognostic analysis of medicinal plant materials.
- Ability to properly store, package, label and transport medicinal plant materials.

As a result of practical training, students consolidated their theoretical knowledge and developed skills in studying medicinal plants in the field of scientific research.

14.12.2023, 16:47