International cooperation on the platform of the scientific and practical conference

On November 25-26 this year, SKMA teachers took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute “The current state of the pharmaceutical industry: problems and prospects”. The conference was attended by medical and pharmaceutical universities in the USA, Great Britain, Hungary, China, Turkey, India, the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc.

On behalf of the rector of SKMA Rysbekov M.M. Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Umurzakhova G.Zh. made a congratulatory speech and handed over memorable gifts.

In her speech at the plenary session, Professor Ordabayeva S.K. informed the audience about the ongoing educational programs in pharmacy: the development of new and improvement of existing educational programs at all levels, depending on the needs of the labor market and regional priorities, integration into the international educational space, creating conditions for education and personal development of students, the development of the scientific potential of the Academy, the creation of a modern medical technological infrastructure of the Academy.

At the sectional meeting "Forensic and Clinical Toxicology", Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry Serikbayeva A.D. shared her experience in implementing research-oriented education in the elective discipline "Bioanalytical Chemistry and Toxicology", as well as the most effective active teaching methods at the department. Master of Pharmacy Musabekov Zh.T. acquainted the audience with the results of scientific studies of amlodipine isolated from bioliquid using liquid chromatography. The audience was interested in the material and technical base of the department and the favorable conditions created for obtaining the professional competencies of students.

On the second day of the conference, Professor Ordabayeva S.K. a master class was held to certify the practical skills of students using OSPE technologies. The audience was interested in the technology of assessing the practical skills of students, many questions arose about the details of each stage, assessment criteria, etc., to which exhaustive answers were received.

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, PhD Umurzakhova G.Zh., Head of the Department of Pharmacy, Professor Shertaeva K.D. and associate professor Utegenova G.I. held a master class and gave lectures on the criteria-based assessment of students, the creation of a cluster as an effective mechanism for the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the development of business model projects for pharmaceutical organizations, a methodological approach to creating a conceptual assessment of the effectiveness of managing the pharmacy-consumer relationship based on the 5M model for teachers and students of TashFarmI.

The conference was held at a high level, topical issues on the reform of pharmaceutical education, problems of industrial pharmacy, pharmaceutical service management and priority areas of drug policy, quality control, standardization and certification of drugs, the development of new drugs, etc. were discussed. Leading scientists from near and far abroad were able to discuss problematic issues, create new collaborations to achieve strategic plans in the field of pharmaceutical education and science.

30.11.2022, 13:09