International Congress "Pharmacy Updates-2023"

The VI International Congress "Pharmacy Updates" was held at the School of Pharmacy of the Shahid Beheshti Medical University (MUShB, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran). Within the framework of the Congress, the International Association of Students and Young Scientists of Iran organized the V International Conference of Young Scientists and Students “IPharms Annual Conference”. The forum was held online on the Google Meets communication platform.

The conference was held in several directions in the field of pharmaceutical research, which included an international Olympiad among students in pharmacy. A 5th year student of the specialty "Pharmacy" Abilkhair Aruzhan won a prize at the international subject Olympiad.

From SKMA, prof. S. Ordabayeva, Assoc. A. Serikbayeva, as well as young scientists and teachers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry R. Bidaybek, Zh. Musabekov, G. Bakhytkyzy. The results of work within the framework of the research areas of the department in the field of quality control and standardization of medicines, as well as chemical and toxicological studies of toxicants were reported.
This year, the teaching staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the SKMA were not only participants in the conference, but also members of the jury. Prof. S. Ordabayeva, acting prof. A. Assilbekova and Assoc. A. Serikbayeva, on the recommendations of the organizing committee of the conference, oral and poster reports were evaluated according to 10 criteria: relevance and scientific novelty, quality and quantity of research methods, interpretation of the results, etc. Poster reports were previously sent with an audio recording to the jury members.

The poster reports of our undergraduates and doctoral students G. Bakhytkyzy on the topic “Determination of numerical indicators of oil extract of Artemisia cina” and R. Bidaibek “Spectral characteristics of a new biologically active derivative of xanthine” were recognized as one of the best.
The Congress was attended by scientists from leading universities in Iran and abroad, who discussed topical issues of pharmaceutical education and science, problems of the pharmaceutical industry and business, outlined plans for future cooperation and joint work.

27.03.2023, 13:34