International Congress «Pharmacy Updates»

On February 15-18 this year, the School of Pharmacy of the Shahid Beheshti Medical University (MUSB, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran) organized the V International Congress “Pharmacy Updates”. Within the framework of the Congress, the International Association of Students and Young Scientists of Iran organized the IV International Conference of Young Scientists and Students "IPharms Annual Conference". The forum was held online on the Skyroom and Googlemeets communication platforms.

At the opening ceremony President of FIP D. Jordan, Vice-minister and head of Iranian FDA, prof. B. Daraiee, dean of SBMU A. Zali and President of the Pharmaceutical Research Center, prof. F. Shirazi. made a welcoming speech.

From the foreign partners of the University from the EAEU countries, the rector of the SKMA, prof. M. Rysbekov, rector of BSMU, prof. V. Pavlov, rector of KSMA named after Akhunbaeva, prof. I. Kudaibergenova, Head of the Research Center of the Institute of Pharmacy of the Sechenov University E. Melnik made a speech.

Prof. S. Ordabayeva, Assoc. prof. A. Serikbaeva, as well as young scientists and teachers of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry M. Mirsoatova, E. Rakhimov, D. Altynbek, R. Bidaybek, Zh. Musabekov took part in the Congress from SKMA,. The results of work within the framework of the research areas of the department in the field of quality control and standardization of medicines, as well as chemical and toxicological studies of toxicants were reported.

No less interesting were the reports of foreign participants, as well as young scientists from Iran, who presented the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of pharmaceutical and biomedical science. The reports of our colleagues A. Serikbayeva on the topic "Implementation of methodology of prophahenone isolation and identification in biological material" and M. Mirsoatova on the topic "Chemical-toxicological analysis
of meloxicam by liquid chromatography" were recognized as ones of the best.

More than 2,000 participants from Iran and abroad took part in the work of the Congress, who discussed topical issues of pharmaceutical education and science, problems of the pharmaceutical industry and business, outlined plans for future cooperation and joint work.

23.02.2022, 10:45