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The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev repeatedly emphasized in policy documents on disease prevention, the importance of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle for the health and longevity of Kazakhstan people.

In September 25, 2015 there was held international Scientific and Practical Conference “Medical Physiology and Threpsology is the basis of health and longevity” at the Opera and Ballet Theatre of Shymkent, it was dedicated to the memory and 80th anniversary of Professor Alken Akhmetbekovich Utepbergenov. The conference was initiated by Shymkent Medical Institute of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kh.A.Yasavi and South - Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy.

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Theme of the conference was dedicated to the most diverse aspects of anti-aging medicine, child nutrition problems, herbal medicine, aesthetic cosmetology. To improve the quality of life, to support the activity, mental and physical working capacity of the population – all these problems are of the primary health care - a key element connecting all major components of health care system, i.e. physicians, general practitioners, pediatricians, dermatologists, dermatocosmetologists and infectious disease specialists who participated in the conference.

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The participants and the family of Alken Utepbergenov congratulated: Professor T.P. Raimberdiyev, Vice-President for Science and Innovation of IKTU named after Kh.A.Yasavi; MD, Professor K.Y. Sisabekov, the Head of the Department of SKSPhA; V.V. Kasymbekov, Professor of WKSMU named after M. Ospanov; F.A. Mindubayeva, Professor KarSMU; I.O. Baydauletov, manager of Clinics’ Human Resources of IKTU. MD, Professor R.S. Bekturganov, Director of Shymkent Medical Institute of IKTU named after Kh A.Yasavi, read a telephone message, sent by academician T.S. Sharmanov, the founder of “Kazakh Academy of Nutrition”.

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At the plenary session and in the work of the sections took part: R.S. Kuzdenbayeva, the Head of the Department of Pharmacological examination of drugs in Kazakhstan; Professor T.Z. Seysembekov, chief physician of the Ministry of Health of RK; leading professors: A.A. Musina-  JSC “Astana Medical University”; R.K.Tatayeva; F.T. Sembiyeva; MD, Professor A.K. Katarbayev- Kazakh National University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov; Professor V.V. Kasymbekov -West South Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov; 

Ph.D, Associate Professor G.I. Isayev; MD, Professor F.A. Mindubayeva -Karaganda State Medical Institute; MD, Assistant Professor M.K. Kankozha; guests from Novosibirsk State Medical University - Ph.D., Professor Y.G. Kandyurina; V.V. Zelenskaya; MD, Professor A.M. Dmitrovsky from the USA; Professor Y.P. Amiredjibi of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Georgia; Associate Professor G.N. Abuova, the Head of the Department of SKSPhA, and well-known scientists and leading doctors of the south of Kazakhstan.

To live a long life, remaining young is the oldest dream of humanity, today it seems to be very real, thanks to the increasing pace of scientific and technological progress and achievements of medicine. Problems of health, longevity, nutrition, anti-aging medicine and anti-aging cosmetology were focused at International Scientific and Practical Conference.



editor of academic periodical of SKSPhA.

01.10.2015, 04:40