International conference on industrial practice "Organization of pharmaceutical activity" at the Department "Organization and Management of pharmaceutical business"

18.02.2022 at the Department of Organization and Management of pharmaceutical business online on the ZOOM platform, an international conference on the results of industrial practice "Organization of pharmaceutical activity" was held for 3rd year students of the specialty "Pharmacy" with the participation of the heads of the bases of industrial practice, the teaching staff of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayev and the teaching staff of the Department of OFD, employees of UMC - Aldabergenova G.S., Shaimerdenova R.A.

At the conference, the head of the department, Professor Shertaeva K. D. and PhD Utegenova G. I. made a report on the quality of internship.
Based on the results of the practice, a survey was conducted, the results of the survey are as follows:

The students noted that during the internship they got acquainted with the work of wholesale and retail companies, mastered the necessary practical skills.
The following students made reports on the bases of productive practices: Nurseit A. - pharmaceutical organizations of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Kaukanova A. - teg LLP, A. Amangeldy.- Zerde LLP, Namazbay S. - Tin LLP, Isabayeva D.- Amanat LLP, Andasbek Village.- TOO"Merey-2".

In conclusion, senior lecturer of the department Mamytbaeva K.Zh., Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of KSMU Dootalieva Sairagul Chynybekovna, head of the Zerde-Pharma database Audekova T.R.
Following the results of the conference, the students were awarded certificates.

28.02.2022, 12:23