International anti-corruption day

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December 7, 2018 in the building of the SKMA №2 was held a Single hour dedicated to the International day against corruption. 

Single hour target:

- involvement of students in the anti-corruption movement with the formation of an atmosphere of intolerance to any manifestations of corruption;

- formation of anti-corruption culture, education and upbringing;

- reducing the prerequisites for corruption;

In one hour and was attended by the Director of the Medical College M. A. Kuchkarov, head of the Department of youth policy N. R. Akhmetov, Secretary of the Commission on combating corruption YUKMA±.J. named Sultanbekova, a leading specialist Oswin Kambarova Zh. O., student rector of YUKMA K. A. Iemberdiev.

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In the early hours of a single teacher of the Department of Microbiology S. Polatbekova and the student of medical College F. Aripan made interesting reports about corruption and combat it.

In addition, College students showed an interesting anti-corruption statement, and held a game "Field of miracles".

From a single hour students and guests received important information about the fight against corruption, and further promised to contribute to the fight against the epidemic affecting the country's economy. 

14.12.2018, 23:12