International academic mobility on the frameworks of Erasmus+ program

Satisfied and fruitful was the program of academic mobility of Academy teachers - professor Ordabayeva Saule and master of pharmacy Orynbassarov Yerzhan on the basis of the Medical University of Gdansk (Gdansk, Poland), which was held in the period 03.06-13.06.2018 with co-financing by the European Union program Erasmus +.

The program included the exchange of experience in educational and research activities at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, headed by professor T. Bazcek,  pro-rector of the university for scientific work.

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Teachers not only acquainted themselves, but also had the opportunity to participate in experimental research conducted at the department in the scientific fields: pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (drug analysis, study of biomarkers of amino acids, steroid compounds and biogenic amines) and medical chemistry (metabolic stability of biologically active compounds, molecular modeling, chemometric research, application of 3D-printing in medicine).

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In the framework of the mobility program, professor Ordabayeva and master Orynbassarov presented the educational and research activities of SKMA, in particular tat he Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry. Of particular interest were studies on the creation and standardization of phytopreparations based on plant raw materials in Kazakhstan, as well as studies of toxicologically important substances.

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A meeting was held with the Dean of the Pharmaceutical Faculty, the head of the Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics, professor M. Markushewski, with whom issues of the future exchange of students and undergraduates were discussed.

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They got acquainted with the scientific activity and equipment of the Department of Toxicology, with the head of the department, professor B.Wilgomas, the issues of possible joint management of master's and doctoral dissertations.

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There was a visit to the chair of pharmaceutical microbiology, the head of the department K.Waleron told about the scientific directions of the department, introduced the equipment, expressed a desire to cooperate with our microbiologists in the implementation of joint scientific research.

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The Department of Pharmacognosy, headed by Professor M. Krause-Baranowska, is also open for cooperation in the framework of educational and research activities. Employees of the department organized a botanical garden on the premises of the building of the pharmaceutical faculty, which simultaneously serves as a resting place for students and teachers.

Special impressions left a visit to the Institute of Biotechnology of Gdańsk University, accompanied by the head of the Department of Microbiology, professor M. Waleron. The educational and research building of the Institute, classrooms and laboratories, self-study and rest rooms for students, executed according to the latest technology, are a prerequisite for successful study of students and career development of teachers.

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Within the framework of the visit, issues of further cooperation on the exchange of students, teachers, internships for undergraduates, joint scientific research, the management of undergraduates and doctoral students, etc. were discussed.

We thank the administration of  Medical University of Gdansk for warm admission and special thanks to T.Bazcek, M.Markushewski, b.Wilgomas and K.Waleron for successful and fruitful programme of stay and cooperation. 

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30.06.2018, 11:08