Interdepartmental scientific seminar "Current issues and priorities for innovation in language teaching system"
On May 28, 2015 in the building №2 SKSPhA was held interdepartmental scientific seminar "Current issues and priorities for innovation in language teaching system", organized by the department of Kazakh and Latin languages. Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation A.A.Ahmetova, head of the department of language courses, teaching staff took part in the seminar, spoke about innovative methods and techniques of language teaching.
Global changes occurring in the world today, have shown the need to review the education system. Experience has shown the world the importance of the education system is not only knowledge, but equally and skills of the trainees. The main feature of modern teaching methods is that trainees acquire not only knowledge, but also need to use them, and it is necessary to pay great attention.
"The main result of the child's development - is the creativity of language and thought" - confirmation of this were the performances Senior Lecturer of the Department of Russian Language R.Abisheva, head of the department of foreign languages A.S.Sayfutdinova, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages F.T.Ybyray, Head of the Department of Kazakh and Latin languages E.K.Salim, Senior Lecturer A.N.Kasymbekova, teachers A.S.Zhakipova, D.Zh.Kemelhan et al., who have tried to give a scientific basis used in the practice of methods and techniques, focused on efficiency and topical issues on them.