Interdepartmental scientific - methodical seminar “Formation of critical thinking of students in the process of language teaching”

On April 21, 2016 the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages organized and held interdepartmental scientific - methodical seminar Formation of critical thinking of students in the process of language teaching”, with the participation of the Heads of departments, professors of different departments; they discussed various methods and techniques for the formation of critical thinking in language teaching.

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Today, it is used more than 50 teaching technologies in educational process. Critical thinking technology holds the most unique position among them. The peculiarity of the latest technologies is all-round development of the personality, development of innovative knowledge, identifying new ideas. Before now a student was a passive listener, but nowadays a modern student is learning himself and is developing as a creative person. This is facilitated by implementing of various technologies, advanced experience of teachers-innovators.

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To teach means not only a skill, it is an art to find something new out of new”; it was the speech motto of A.S. Sayfutdinova, the Head of Foreign Languages Department and the following senior teachers of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages: ​​A.N. Kasymbekova, Y.K. Salim, Zh.T. Kysmuratova, M.A. Umiraliyeva, R.K. Kalmenova, A.S. Zhakipova, D.Zh. Kemelkhan, A.T. Abdullabekova. They reported about the methods used in their practice.

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The seminar participants were awarded certificates.

27.04.2016, 05:29