Interdepartmental intellectual competition “Independence of the country”

On 2nd November, 2016 there was held interdepartmental intellectual competition for connoisseurs of proverbs and sayings “Independence of the country” organized by the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages and the youth branch of SKSPhA “Zhas Otan”.  

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5 teams comprising the 1st year students of Medical and Pharmaceutical Faculties participated in the competition:

  1. “Mizam” of the specialty “Public health”; 

  2. “Dostyk” of the specialty “Technology of pharmaceutical production”;

  3. “Birlik” of the specialty “Pharmacy”;

  4. “Zhas kyran” of the specialty “General medicine”;

  5. “Kazakhstan” of the specialty “Nursing”. 

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Performances of competition participants were evaluated by the jury, which included B.Z. Doltayeva, the Dean of Medical Faculty; M.S. Karsakbayev, the leading expert of youth policy department of SKSPhA; A.S. Sayfutdinova, the Head of Foreign Languages Department; G.N. Duysebayeva, a resource specialist of Pharmaceutical Faculty; A.N. Kasymbekova, a senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages.

The competition consisted of 4 stages:

1. Proverbs and sayings – folk wisdom (a performance in a time – restricted manner). 1 minute was given. 

2. Explaining the meaning of proverbs and sayings.

3. Guessing proverbs and sayings according to the picture.

4. Performance of captains on a given topic. 

All participating teams were able to demonstrate the skill and depth of knowledge of proverbs and sayings. Ayaulym Zhaksylyk, a student of the group 102 of the specialty “Public health” and Bigali Abdikulov, a student of the group 102 of the specialty “General Medicine” were distinguished during the competition.  

B.Z. Doltayeva, the Dean of Medical Faculty, awarded diplomas of I, II, III degree, letters of thanks and gifts at the end of this competition. 

Summarizing the results of this competition, the team “Zhas kyran” won the I place, the team “Mizam” won the II place of honour and the team “Birlik” won the III place.

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07.11.2016, 23:56