Inter-university volleyball competition takes place

On February 23, 2022 the sport club "Barys" organized volleyball competition among higher educational institutions of Shymkent city. This event was held in the sports hall of educational building No.1 and was organized at a high level. The competitions were held among boys and girls. Students of JSC SKMA, M. Saparbayev South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute, SKSPU, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University took part in the competition.

By results of competitions among young men the 1st place was taken by students of "SKMA" JSC, the 2nd place - South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the 3rd place - South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute named after M. Saparbayev.

In girls' competitions 1st place was taken by students of SKSPU, 2nd place - South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov, 3rd place - JSC "SKMA".

Congratulations to all the participants on their victory!

02.03.2022, 11:40