Inter-University intellectual game – 2017

On December 6, 2017 in the assembly hall of our academy the department of pharmacognosy and chemistry and the student trade union of  SKSPhA organized and held the event “Intellectual game – 2017” with the participation of student teams of SKSPhA, SKSU and SKSPI.

The moderators of this event were curators of the department: the acting professor Zh.S. Toksanbayeva, teacher K.K. Patsayeva, senior lecturers T.S. Serikbayeva, Zh.A. Kadishayeva, teachers Z.E. Ibragimova, B.A. Bakhtiyarova, L.T. Badalova.


Each of the guest universities were represented by one team, SKSU – team “Intellect of the future”, SKSPI – team “Einsteins”, from SKSPhA participated 3 teams – “Smart vision”, “The royals”, “Alpha & Omega”. The event was hosted by the 5th year student of the medical faculty Shorabayev Daulet.

The head of the department, doctor of chemical sciences, professor A.K. Patsayev  in his welcoming speech emphasized the importance of student meetings from different universities of Shymkent at all levels, including this event, which unites the young citizens of our country.



The dean of pharmaceutical faculty assistant professor N.Zh. Zhumabayev  encouraged young students to participate more actively in joint activities and wished the teams good game and victory.

Such events and mutually beneficial cooperation between the universities is very important for today –  emphasized  A.A. Akhmetova, the vice-rector for strategic development and international cooperation of  SKSPhA.



At the end of the event the results of the intellectual game were summed up: the winner of the 1st place and cup was the team “Smart vision”, presented by the students of the 5th year of the pharmaceutical faculty, 2nd place – the team from SKSU “Intellect of the future”, 3rd place – team “The royals”, presented by the students of the 1st year of the medical faculty. Team “Einsteins” and “Alpha & Omega” received certificates for active participation.

As the best intellectual was generally recognized the student of 5th year of the pharmaceutical faculty and captain of the team “Smart vision” – Aleksey Pak.

Thus, the completed inter-university intellectual game showed high activity and preparedness of students for questions from various fields of knowledge.


This event, prepared by the collective of the department of pharmacognosy and chemistry and the student trade union of SKSPhA, once again demonstrated that mutual cooperation between the universities of our city at all levels of education and development can be successfully implemented in practice.

13.12.2017, 03:09