May 24, 2018 South Kazakhstan Medical Academy(SKMA) and Shymkent Medical Institute of the International Kazakh-Turkish Universitynamed after H.A. Yasaui, held interuniversity scientific-practical conference on the topic: "Actual issues of medicine."

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Organizers of the conference: the Departments of SKMA - emergency medical care and nursing, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology, propaedeutics of internal diseases. Departments of the International Kazakh-Turkish University: - Surgery and anesthesiology - reanimation, therapy.

The objectives of the conference were:

Raising the level of knowledge and qualifications of participants.

Motivation to generate interest in certain areas of science or life.

Exchange of ideas, search for joint directions of research and strengthening of cooperation.

Establishing new contacts and attracting young people to scientific research.

The program included reports - students, undergraduates, interns and doctoral students of the University of Kazakhstan.

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The work of the conference began with welcome speeches of the presidium, which included the pro-rector for scientific and clinical work Nurmashev B.K, the head of the department of propaedeutics of internal diseases - KauzbayZh. A., the head of the department of pharmacology, pharmacotherapy and clinical pharmacology - Kerimbaeva Z. A, the head of the departmentof surgery and anesthesiology-reanimationof the International Kazakh-Turkish University-Satkhanbaev A. Z., dean after graduation of the International Kazakh-Turkish University - Sarieva A.A.

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At the plenary session, the reports of young scientists were heard: ZhumagulK.К.,Khojakulova U.A.,Annaorazov I.A., the reports were in the state, Russian and English languages. Further work continued in th»e sections: clinical therapy, clinical surgery, paramedical sciences, nursing.

In the section of clinical therapy there were 12 reports.The best oral scientific report was voted by OsipovAdilakhan on the topic "Treatment of stethothothet " by the vote of the Organizing Committee of the Conference.

In the section of clinical surgery there were 18 reports. The organizing committee of the conference recognized the best oral scientific report of Duseybekov Murat on the topic: "A new method of prevention and treatment of adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity."

In the section of paramedical sciencesthere were 18 reports. By voting of the organizing committee of the conference, the best oral scientific report was the report Zhumagul K.K. on the topic: "Topical problems of pharmacotherapy depending on the state of individual's sensitivity to drugs and xenobiotics".

The nursing section included 12 reports.The best oral scientific report on this section was from M. Baydalieva. on the topic: "Evaluation of the results of advanced clinical trials in the preparation of bachelor of nursing care ".

All the participants of the conference received certificates of participation, the winners were awarded with diplomas.

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30.05.2018, 11:23