
On October 16, 2015 the teaching staff of Department of Social and humanitarian disciplines conducted intellectual game named “Intelligence-2015” dedicated to 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate among 1-year and 2-year students of specialties “Pharmacy” and “Public health”.

The objective of this event is to foster a high sense of the Kazakhstan patriotism and pride for their Homeland - Kazakhstan.

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Intellectual game was held by the person working for doctor’s Babur Yusupov. The main struggle was between 3 teams: "Descendants of Socrates","Dreamteam" and "Vivat".

Participants of intellectual game demonstrated profound knowledge in the field of history of Kazakh khanate formation and education, the establishment of the sovereign Kazakhstan, the historical role of the first President of Kazakhstan N. A.Nazarbayev in building an independent, successful and prosperous country.

Game participants also recognized about implementation of the state program on studying of a huge cultural heritage of a nation, including modern national culture, traditions and customs having particular significance for national history.

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After 5 rounds the team "Descendants of Socrates" has won a victory, the second place has been awarded to the team "Vivat", the team "Dreamteam" has won the third place.

In his closing speech the head of the Department, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Acting Professor, K.B. Kemelbekov noted the importance of such events and thanked everybody for their active participation and presented certificates in the following nominations: "the Best team” - Viva, "the Best team captain” – Sanobar Aripova and "Best player” - Aigerim Bori.

27.11.2015, 00:57