Intellectual Olympiad on "The unity of the nation is the basis of independence"

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On October 20, 2016 staff of social sciences and Humanities Department, "Hygiene – 1 and epidemiology" Department, "Hygiene-2", Department of  History of Kazakhstan and social sciences" and student's trade union committee organized intellectual olympiad on the theme "The unity of the nation is the basis of independence", devoted to 25-anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan among 1-5 year students of specialties "General medicine", "Pharmacy", "Public health", "Technology of pharmaceutical production".

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The main goals of the intellectual Olympiad is the formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism, development of students’ creative abilities, the development of creative thinking, stimulating their learning activities and help them in professional orientation and continuing education.

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Intellectual Olympiad was guided by the 4-year student of the specialty "Public health" Daulet Shorayev. The participants were 13 teams, 5 of which went to final. The main struggle was between 3 teams: "Descendants of Socrates" - the students of 203 PH group, "Dreamteam" - students of 203 TPhP group and "Sesh" - students of 203 PH group.

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At the end of 4 rounds the winner was "Descendants of Socrates" team, the second place was awarded to the team "Dreamteam", the third place won the team "Sesh" and all of them received a cash award from the student  trade union committee. All other participants were awarded valuable prizes.

In final speech the Deputy head of social sciences and Humanities Department, senior lecturer S. M. Taskymbayeva noted the importance of such events and thanked everyone for their active participation and presented certificates in the following nominations: "Best team - Descendants of Socrates", "Best team captain - Shakhzod Shamuratov" and "Best player - Elshad Saidkarimov".

25.10.2016, 04:14