Intellectual games (IQ games)

On December 5, 2019, in the Assembly hall, the Department of social Affairs and youth policy, the departments of " Technology of drugs" and "Social and humanitarian disciplines" held an intellectual game "IQ games" among the students of the Academy and College.

Questions for the intellectual game was also conducted by the teacher of the Department " Drug Technology " Altynbekova A. A..

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The purpose of the intellectual game:

- to development of logical thinking, memory;

- to development of the ability to generalize and analyze the material;

- to development of speed and accuracy of perception, distribution and concentration of attention;

- to development of literacy, interest in knowledge and creativity.

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The following teams participated in the intellectual game:

1. 5th year students of the faculty of pharmacy «Academicians»

2. College students «Comet»

3. 2nd year students of the faculty of pharmacy «Farmaki»

4. 1st year students «Pathology»

5. 1st year students «Almaz»

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5 teams answered the General logic questions of the middle level in the qualifying stage, then 3 teams advanced to the semifinals. The semi-final consisted of 2 stages with questions of a high level of complexity.

Head of the Department " Drug Technology ", Professor Sagindykova B. A., head of the Department "Social-humanitarian disciplines" Ashirov S. A., chief specialist, Department on social issues and youth policy Baimbetova B. noted the importance of such events and thanked all for active participation.

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According to the results of the intellectual game places were allocated and diplomas were awarded:

1 place – «Pathologists»

2nd place – «Academics»

3rd place –« Farmaki»

«The best captain» - Omarova Asel

«The best player»- Alеsov Shamil

«The best intellectual» - Karimov Elim.

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10.12.2019, 11:46