Intellectual and informative contest «Leader of SKSPhA -2016»
On 29th November, 2016 there was held an intellectual and informative contest «Leader of SKSPhA-2016» at the Department of Kazakh, Russian and Latin languages. The aim of this contest was to identify intellectual and creative abilities of students.
The 1styear students of the following specialties took part in this contest: «General Medicine», «Pharmacy», «Technology of pharmaceutical production» and the students of the Faculty of Training specialists with Technical Professional Education of the specialties «General medicine» and «Nursing».
The contest consisted of the following stages:
Stage 1 – «Warm-up» (questions on phraseological units);
Stage 2 – «Who knows better about Kazakhstan?» (Quiz);
Stage 3 – «We know Russian» (tasks on mastery of Russian language);
Stage 4 – «Erudite» (semi-final);
Stage 5 – «Final» (questions and tasks for the finalists according to different categories).
The contestants answered questions of varying difficulty. The evaluation criteria were an unusual approach to the theme developing, emotionality of public speaking, speech culture and usage diversity of expressive means.
Zhuldyz Tazhіkhan, a student of the group 110 of the specialty «General medicine», won in a hot contest and she was awarded a diploma.