"Integration of theory and practice - the key to the effectiveness of the educational process"

On October 11, 2019, within the framework of the anniversary conference dedicated to the 40th anniversary of SKMA, the Department of Pharmacognosy organized and held a conference on the results of the industrial practice of students of the 4th year of 2018-2019 academic year.

At an action there were a faculty of department of Pharmacognosy and also guests of department: d.pharm.sc., professor Kudashkina N. (Russia), c.pharm.sc. Sayakova G.M. (Kazakhstan), c.pharm.sc. Hodzhayeva M.R., c.pharm.sc. Parmanova N.T., doctor of PhD Khalilova Sh.R. (Uzbekistan) and students of the 4th and 5th courses.

During the conference, the results of passing the industrial practice of students, held at different bases of the near abroad and SKMA, were summed up. Students presented reports of practice on bases: PMPhI (Pyatigorsk) - Ismatullayeva S., BSMU (Ufa) - Tasteyova F., TashPharmI (Tashkent) - Babajanova D., SKMA (Shymkent) - Bekzat A.

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Students shared experience, impressions gained during the practice, and also told that theoretical knowledge obtained at the academy, significantly helped them in carrying out tasks on recognition of medicinal plants, collection of raw materials, etc.

In addition, the main problems of organization of production practice were discussed and recommendations for their improvement were proposed. Issues of improving the bases of practice were considered.

The present guests noted that the students managed to prove themselves as competent specialists and used their knowledge and skills in practice.

In the debate, proposals were made to increase the efficiency of industrial practice, as well as the creation of a joint educational program in the specialty "Pharmacy."

24.10.2019, 04:13