Integration into the international scientific and educational space

The scientists from the First Moscow State Medical University (I MSMU) named after I.M. Sechenov visited the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKSPhA on October this year. There were head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of I MSMU, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor G.V. Ramenskaya and the candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor V.V. Smirnov.

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Galina Vladislavovna Ramenskaya is a successor of academician, professor A.P. Arzamastsev, a member of the pharmaceutical committee of Pharmacopoeia Committee, member of the Clinical Pharmacology (Bioequivalence) at the Ministry of Health of Russia, Chairman of the Ethics Committee at Russian healthcare supervision, member of the working group of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), member of the expert Council USP (USP) in the countries of Eastern Europe, the deputy chairman of the Russian Health Ministry of the State Pharmacopoeia. She vouchsafed us not only her long-awaited visit, but also shared her innovative teaching methods in the standardization of drugs.

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Professor G.V. Ramenskaya familiarized students with the unit of the university, the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, classroom fund and teaching methods. Especially, students were intrigued by path of student learning “Medicine of the Future”. Many long- known and most popular authors of books on pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry were presented our audience once again whose names were already familiar to them in the available literature.

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Currently direction of “biowaiver” intensively develops in Russia and Kazakhstan, the prospects for its use means a lot of importance in the pharmaceutical regulatory practices in view of the harmonization of the requirements of the Customs Union with the European Union and the FDA. Professor G.V. Ramenskaya had time to talk not only to our students, but also master students of major “Pharmacy” and faculty about this high-tech direction of the standardization of drugs.

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Lectures of V.V. Smirnov about biotransformation, pharmacokinetics and toxicokinetics of drugs, chromatographic and immune methods of analysis, mass spectroscopy, etc. were unique in its kind. Each lecture crowded with students completed with ovations. Bringing to the audience knowledge about the absorbability, distribution, partial ejection, biotransformation of drugs, he demonstrated his unlimited receptivity to the teachings by the great philosophers’ words.

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Feedback from the audience with the words “lethal outcome” and “resuscitation” manifested his unique lecturer skills. V.V. Smirnov excited the audience in earnest way by questions of the chemical and toxicological analysis from sample preparation to the confirmatory methods of toxicants analysis. Classes were really bright and useful, no one left without the experiences, emotions and memorable photos.

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It should also be noted that owing to the friendship, loyalty and the blessed memory of academician A.P. Arzamastsev, cooperation has been established between our departments. The department, where great scientist has left an indelible mark, which is currently headed by G.V. Ramenskaya, initiated the cooperation between the first MSMU named after I.M. Sechenov and SKSPhA:

1.   Since 2012-2013 sessions every year the students are leaving the Academy in the framework of academic mobility for production practice on the base of university.

2.   The leading teachers of the department arrived to the Academy to give lectures and master classes in the field of pharmaceutical and chemical and toxicological studies of drugs (November 2013, October 2015).

3.   In 2014-2015 sessions S.N. Nadirova, master student, made her master's thesis on the basis of the department of I MSMU entrusted to her.

4.   For the first time the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKSPhA accepted students of I MSMU for production practice from 05.13.2015 to 05.30. 2015.

5.   A joint curriculum for foreign students developed by the departments of our Academy and I MSMU approved by the Academic Councils of I MSMU and  SKSPhA (2014).

6.   in 2015  a teaching edition “Quality control and standardization of drugs” was jointly issued.

Today, cooperation between departments continues, plans of work outlined in a scientific way.

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Ideas that were realized, brought honor and respect to the two universities. Appreciating the contribution to the development of this fruitful collaboration, professor G.V. Ramenskaya was awarded the title of “Honorary Professor of  SKSPhA” by the Academic Council.

We sincerely congratulate professor G.V. Ramenskaya with this title, the scientific and pedagogical achievements of the two universities in the pharmaceutical field are associated with her name. She is inherent in the ability to think creatively and to involve in the future the orbit of the many-sided activities of the talented students and followers.

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We showed scientists the unique colour of our culture and attractions for their short stay of at the southern land of Kazakhstan. Climate of  Shymkent which it was always warm, a little cold weather with the bright shades of autumn, a newly built monument to the renowned Biy and Batyr of Kazakh people Baydibek Karashauly, park named after the great thinker and poet Abai, Central Mosque with delightful shapes and decorating made vivid impressions on our guests.

There was also organized a tour around the largest pharmaceutical factory of Kazakhstan JSC “Khimfarm”, which owns the lion's share of produced original and generic drugs of 12 pharmacotherapeutic groups for the treatment of diseases in a variety of therapeutic areas.

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The hall full of enthusiastic and motivated students and master students caused many reasons for reflection and inspiration to continue further cooperation from our scientists from the partner-university.

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30.10.2015, 03:44