One of the key factors in improving the quality of training of medical personnel, ready for independent practice is the use of innovative teaching methods in teaching.

At the Department of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry held another open session on the elective discipline "Bioanalytic chemistry and toxicology" with the use of innovative teaching methods RBL and TBL.

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The topic of the class "Doping analysis of diuretics and other masking substances" is relevant in the field of chemical and toxicological examinations and analysis of banned substances from the WADA List.

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Senior lecturer, associate Professor Serikbayeva A.D. to substantiate the relevance of the topic, supported by online, Smirnov V. V., associate Professor of pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry. A. P. Arzamastseva First Moscow medical state University I. M. Sechenov.

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As part of the RBL scenario, students registered in advance with the International Scientific Databases Web of Science, Scopus and The Russian index of scientific citing (RISC). Students conducted a preliminary review of foreign literature, through which they learned to work with primary sources in English, to monitor the data of the literature, to submit a summary of the work done.

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According to the results of the literary review, the students presented scientifically based methods of chemical and toxicological analysis of the object of study (furosemide), which they performed in the laboratory part of the lesson. Performing laboratory classes using liquid-liquid extraction, thin-layer chromatography, IR spectroscopy and other instrumental methods contributed to the consolidation of professional skills and abilities of the future chemist-toxicologist.

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Thus, the lesson methods of innovative technologies allowed to more effectively reveal the creative potential of students, increase their individual responsibility and the effectiveness of the team as a whole.

08.05.2019, 06:08