Innovative approaches to improving the provision of medicines to the population

On December 8-9, 2022, within the framework of the IX International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students "Prospects for the development of biology, medicine and pharmacy", a breakout session "Innovative approaches to improving the provision of medicines to the population" was held offline and online.
Students, undergraduates, doctoral students from leading universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries took part in the sectional meeting of the Department of Organization and Management of Pharmaceutical Business. These are: Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Osh State University, KazNMU named after S. Asfendiyarov, MU "Astana", Kazakh-Russian Medical University.

Following the results of the conference, the best documents were released:
1.Seydalieva Sabina Karzhaubayevna-doctoral student I course of the South Kazakhstan Medical Academy for the direction of training "pharmacy", "Development of pharmaceutical industries in Kazakhstan through a medical and pharmaceutical cluster".
2. Sultangazy Dana Rysbekovna-Kazakh-Russian medical university, student of the 4th year on the direction of training "pharmacy", "Medicines, medical devices, medical equipment in the turnover with less loss and more profit system. Establishing the connection between doctor and pharmacist".

According to all participants of the conference, the work of the section was held at a high scientific level, the students of the academy shared their reports on topical issues of pharmacy and the results of research on project training. At the end of the conference, the speakers were awarded diplomas, prizes and certificates of participants.

Shertaeva K. D., as moderator of the meeting, noted the active participation of all participants with their reports and expressed sincere gratitude to all foreign and domestic partners of the department for their interest in the conference

28.12.2022, 11:53