"Innovation in Nursing"

On October 2nd, 2021 y, the medical college at JSC «SKMA» and NJSC «Heart Center Shymkent» hold a conference on the topic: «Innovations in nursing».
Organizers of the conference: nursing specialists of the Corporate Foundation «University Medical Center», «NSCT», NJSC «Heart Center Shymkent» and teachers of the Department of «Nursing». Moderator of the conference Nadirbekova G.E. - Director of Nursing at the University Medical Center Corporate Fund.
The conference was attended by: NJSC «Heart Center Shymkent», «Regional Clinical Hospital», «№1 Clinical City Hospital», «Oncological Dispensary», «№.3 City Polyclinic», «№.6 City Polyclinic», PUC «Shymkent Higher Medical College», as well as representatives of the National Research Center for Cardiac Surgery and the Corporate Fund «University Medical Center».

Welcome the conference participants, Gulnur Nadirbekova, Director of Nursing of the Corporate Fund "University Medical Center", made a presentation on the topic: «Nursing: the future has already arrived». The conference participants were interested in the new structure of the nursing service at the UMC CF, the ratio of the number of nurses to patients, the created working groups, and the delegation of authority from doctors to nursing specialists.
Nursing specialists from the University Medical Center and NSCC Corporate Foundation presented the work of multidisciplinary teams, where nursing specialists are the main members of the team. With the introduction of technologies, there is an increase in the status of a nurse and an expansion of the scale of activities, the level of responsibility.
The conference participants discussed issues of nursing service management, assessment of the knowledge of nurses, the role of a nurse in ensuring the quality and safety of medical care, nursing education.

All of conference participants received certificates. We thank all the conference participants for interesting speeches, suggestions, initiatives and look forward to further cooperation.

06.10.2021, 12:47