Under this title there was held VIII Astana Economic Forum. In the framework of this topic there were discussed modernization and development of infrastructure as an important factor for sustainable development in modern world. Discussion participants were representatives of the leading international organizations such as the UN, OECD, World Bank, ADB, the Eurasian Economic Commission and others.
About 3000 delegates representing political, economic and business circles from 90 countries took part in the VIII AEF.
personnel training for innovative economics
This panel session, which was organized by the MES of RK, Institute of Economics SC MES of RK and JSC “Information and analytical center”, was attended by about a hundred delegates of forum from ten countries of the world.
Opening the panel session, Vice Minister of Education and Science Takir Balykbayev said that the topic choice was due to the special relevance of discussed problems in Kazakhstan, as integration of education and science, business and personnel training for innovative development is today’s global trend. At the same time, each country taking into account the characteristics of its economy, development level, finds its niche in the global innovation economy.
Kazakhstan has its advantages – a developed fundamental science, a high level of education, especially mathematics, science and technology. Broad-minded experts, non-trivial approaches to solving scientific and technological problems may be used to create fundamentally new, breakthrough technologies that are based on fundamental effects. These specific advantages create conditions to move our country to innovative economy.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Berdybek Saparbayev said welcome address. He, in particular, noted that Kazakhstan aspires to be among 30 developed countries. And the President has put before us the task of preparing competitive, highly qualified staff that will contribute much in integration of science, education and production so needed today. In second five-year plan we have much to do in space technology, robotics, green economics, thus it should be new trends in education system, creating a new type of universities, it should be identified 10 colleges and 10 universities.
Among the measures to achieve this goal, the deputy of the Senate of Parliament of RK, Chairman of the Committee for socio-cultural development Akhan Bizhanov identified improving the quality of research training programs, attracting Russian scientists working abroad, a significant expansion of training in technical, engineering, natural areas capable to implement the second and subsequent five-year programs IIR. A special attention is given to clusters that are effective mechanisms to attract foreign direct investments, and may become a platform for creating innovative enterprises. Also it is necessary to continue implementation of the principles of corporate management and autonomy of universities.
The Program Manager for improving competitiveness of Eurasian countries OECD Antonio Somma said that the acquisition of skills is global value for today. Today, countries seeking to break into the leaders, are betting on the human resources, and the program “Bolashak” is a vivid confirmation.
Vice President of Development of Skolkov Institute of Science and Technology, Executive Secretary of Board of Trustees Alexei Sitnikov wondered “why universities can not cope with the task? The answer is simple: scientists’ works are not in demand”.
It is necessary to move away from the focus, and “technology should go to the market”. It is necessary to adhere to three conditions: concentration of a critical mass of scientists, production and companies, and quality. Nazarbayev University is a great example of how to build partnership with foreign universities. There are business incubator, commercialization office and technology park, and in 2018 it is planned to launch a scientific park Astana Business Campus. According to Russian guest, in innovative work, it is not necessary to catch up, it is necessary to pay attention to those markets which are not still there, that is, to look ahead.
Participants of the panel session agreed that achieved success in economic development, political and social stability allows putting further development of Kazakhstan on a sustainable, modern and forward – looking basis.
Rector of South- Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, MD, Professor B.D. Seksenbayev, Vice Rector, PhD, Professor B.K. Makhatov took part in the work of panel session.
Raykhan SHAYMERDENOVA, editor of scientific journal of SKSPhA.