Information letter!

The Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of the SKMA, within the framework of the annual week of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, holds an international contest of poster reports «Science is an effective tool for understanding the world»
Date and time: April 19, 2022 at 15:00 (Nur-Sultan time)
Participants of the contest: students, undergraduates, doctoral students and young scientists are invited to participate.
The purpose of the contest: to demonstrate the innovative achievements of the research activities of future scientists, pedagogues and practitioners in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.
Contest organizers: Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of SKMA
The composition of the jury members: an international board of scientists and teachers from the leading universities of the SKMA partners.
The contest is open and is held in one round. The submitted works should reflect the author's scientific, research, creative, methodological developments.
By decision of the jury, places can be distributed as follows: 1st place - one participant, 2nd place - two participants, 3rd place - three participants. Jury members have the right to establish a special nomination.
Competition procedure
1. Intended participants send applications and poster reports to the address of the organizing committee.
2. The organizing committee selects entries according to the criteria below; notifies the participants about the passage to the competition; forms an international board of jury members; organizes the competition process.
3. During the competition, participants make comments to their poster reports offline (foreign participants - online).
4. Questions and answers, discussion of reports.
5. After the completion of the performances of all participants, the jury members are sent to discuss the results and make a final decision for the organizing committee.
6. The members of the jury, as agreed, will publish the results of the competition and the names of the winners.
7. Participants of the competition receive a certificate or diploma of participation indicating the supervisor according to the submitted applications.
The organizing committee has the right to select applications according to the following criteria:
• Relevance of scientific work;
• Research nature of the work, research novelty and originality;
• Scientific and practical significance of the obtained results;
• Presentability of the poster report (presentation).
The main elements of the structure of the poster report
Topic of scientific research, full name of the author, educational program, full name of the supervisor, full name of the university, contact details of the participant (specify email address);
• Goals and objectives;
• Materials and research methods;
• Research results;
• Conclusions and/or results.
Poster reports should contain illustrative material: graphs, diagrams, drawings, charts, photographic material.
It is not recommended to use a large amount of text in posters.
IMPORTANT: oral presentations of posters (online-offline) should not exceed the established time limit - 7 minutes.
Main working languages of the contest: Kazakh, Russian and English
Poster reports TOGETHER with the application must be sent by April 18, 2022 including to the following address: with the MANDATORY indication of the SUBJECT of the letter: «for the poster report contest»
The application form must be filled out at the following link:

15.04.2022, 17:58