Industry practice of students on Pharmacognosy at the base Kaskasu

From 06.17.2024 to 06.28.2024, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the groups B-FCAB-02-21 and B-FO-03-21 underwent practical training in the discipline "Pharmacognosy" on the basis of Kaskasu.
The purpose of the practice is to consolidate and deepen knowledge about wild and cultivated medicinal plants, to form knowledge and improve practical skills on the procurement, storage and processing of medicinal plant raw materials with justification for the use of medicinal plant products and the protection of resources.

During the internship, students were introduced to the main types of medicinal plants that grow in this area, in mountainous regions and meadows. The students acquired skills in collecting, primary processing, drying, the ability to store correctly, herbarization, identification of life forms, morphological description and compiled a floristic list of medicinal plants. We got acquainted with the growing season, the families and the life form of plants.

Consolidating their theoretical knowledge and practical skills, students performed daily work according to the practice plan and filled out their diaries in a timely manner.

During the internship, pharmacist students showed their theoretical knowledge of the discipline "Pharmacognosy" at the highest level at the competition "My practical skills", which was organized by the teaching staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy among students of UCMA, Samarkand State Medical University (Uzbekistan) undergoing internship at Kaskasu.
3 teams took part: Flora of Uzbekistan (SamSMU); Terpender (SKMA FCAB-02-21); PhytOexperts (SKMA FO-03-21).
The jury was attended by the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, K., pharm.n., acting professor Orynbasarova K.K., assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Technology Boymurodov E.S., researcher of the Department of Pharmacognosy Taskymbaeva N.M.
The welcoming speech was given by the head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Ph.D., Pharm.N., acting Professor K.K.Orynbasarova, congratulated all participants of the competition and wished success.
The competition consists of 4 stages:
1. Familiarization of the teams;
2. The quiz;
3. Solve the puzzle;
4. Video contest.
In each stage, the teams showed their best side and showed everyone their knowledge in theory and practice. Upon familiarization, each team commander introduced the team members with an interesting speech.

The quiz consists of 3 parts: description of herbarium specimens, testing and questions. In the first part, students choosing a herbarium gave a complete description of the plant, recognizing the name of the growing plant, raw materials, family in three languages, botanical description, chemical composition and application in medicine.

In the second part, three teams solved test questions. And in the third part, the participants were given general questions on recognizing a plant by description.
Next, the teams solved the puzzles by defining the names of the plants. And at the end they showed their videos of each team and practice on the topic "My days in practice".

According to the results of the competition, the Flora of Uzbekistan team (SamSMU) took 1st place, the Terpender team (SKMA FCAB-02-21) took 2nd place and the PhytOexperty team (SKMA FO-03-21) took 3rd place.
And the PhytOexperts team was additionally awarded the nomination "Best Video".

At the end of the practice, students, consolidating their knowledge, passed the dif.a test showing herbarium samples made by them and dried medicinal raw materials . During the practice, students not only mastered practical skills, but also showed that the theoretical knowledge gained in the laboratory is at a high level and can be combined with practice.

01.07.2024, 12:33