Industrial practice is the basis of professional skills

On 13.10.2022, under the leadership of the Department of Drug Technology, a methodological conference on the results of the training and production practice "Production practice - the basis of professional skills" was held in the assembly hall of the UCMA in online and offline format.
Under the strict guidance of the Faculty of the department, students of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th courses prepared reports and demonstration banners.
The educational practice of the 2nd course in the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" and the 3rd course in the discipline "Technology of dosage forms" took place at the following bases of the city of Shymkent:
- Pharmacy of TIN LLP;
- Pharmacy of «Yugmedpharm» LLP;
- Pharmacy of «Recept» LLP;
- Pharmacy of the regional clinical hospital;
- Pharmacy of the city hospital №2.

The production practice of the 4th course in the discipline "Industrial technology of medicines" took place at the following bases of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries:
- JSC «Himpharm» (Shymkent, RK);
- «Ecopharm International» LLP (Shymkent, RK);
- «Phyto – Apifarm» LLP (Shymkent, RK);
- KazNMU named after S.Asfendiyarov (Almaty, RK);
- TSMU named after Avicenna, (Dushanbe, RT);
- Tashfarmi, (Tashkent, RU).

As a result of the production practice, the director of JSC "Himpharm" R.S.Baigarin expressed special gratitude to the Department of "Drug Technology" in the person of the head of the Department, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor B.A.Sagindykova for the high level of training of students.
At the conference, students gave a report on the work done and the skills acquired during the training and production practice.

The following students made a presentation at the conference:
1. Begman A., Menisbek D. - 5th year students
"Organization and conduct of industrial practice on industrial technology of medicines on the basis of the Avicenna TSMU"
Sagindykova B.A., Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Drug Technology of YUKMA, Shymkent
Safarzoda R.Sh.– Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of the Avicenna TSMU, Dushanbe
2. Makhmudbekova Zh., Tazhibaev N. – 5th year students "Organization and conduct of industrial practice on industrial technology of medicines on the basis of Tashfarmi, Tashkent"
Anarbayeva R.M., Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Acting Professor of the Department of Drug Technology of the YUKMA, Shymkent
Maksudova F.H.– D.Pharm.N., Head of the Department of Industrial Technology of Medicines Tashfarmi, Tashkent.
3. Akimbayeva A. – 5th year student
"Organization and conduct of industrial practice on industrial technology of medicines on the basis of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty"
Assylova N.A., Master of Medicine, lecturer of the Department of Drug Technology, YUKMA, Shymkent
Yeleken G.K.– PhD of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of KazNMU named after S.D.Asfendiyarov, Almaty.
4. Nurlybek A. - 3rd year student
Organization and conduct of introductory training practice at the bases of Shymkent
Nurbayeva S.E., Lecturer of the Department of Drug Technology, YUKMA, Shymkent
Tulbasheva K.N. – Head of pharmacy of the Regional Clinical Hospital, Shymkent
5. Adilbekova A.M. - 4th year student
Organization and conduct of training practice on the technology of dosage forms at the bases of Shymkent
Zharylkassyn A.N., Master of Medicine, lecturer of the Department of Drug Technology, YUKMA, Shymkent
Moldabekov E.T. – Head of pharmacy No. 2 of the city polyclinic, Shymkent
6. Abilkhair A. – 5th year student
"Organization and conduct of industrial practice on industrial technology of medicines at the bases of Shymkent"
Imanalieva S.M., Master of Medicine, Senior lecturer of the Department of Drug Technology, YUKMA, Shymkent
Kulbayev R.B. – Head of the Production Department of "Phyto-Apifarm" LLP, Shymkent
At the end, the head of the Department of Drug Technology, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor B.A.Sagindykova concluded the conference with a final speech.

20.10.2022, 17:00